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17 November 2022

How to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal can be a sensitive topic for some. The soreness and recovery time of wisdom teeth removal can have you on the sidelines for a few days. Your dental professional can help determine when it’s time for you to get the procedure done. 

While the initial soreness and discomfort can be challenging to manage, a big concern for many is how to eat after wisdom teeth removal.

Let’s take a closer look at the wisdom teeth removal process, including aftercare and how to eat after the procedure.

Why Do Your Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

Wisdom teeth usually start making themselves known between the ages of 16 and 23. Wisdom teeth, known as the third molars, may need to be removed if they become impacted or trapped under the gum line

Not everyone needs to have their wisdom teeth removed. Your dentist can help determine if there isn’t enough room for the wisdom teeth to grow and recommend if you need removal to prevent development issues later in life.

Some common signs and symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth can include: 

  • Red or swollen gums
  • Swelling in the jaw area
  • Jaw pain
  • Bad breath
  • Difficulty opening your mouth

Wisdom teeth may grow at an angle where they press into the second molars causing pain and potentially damaging your teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth can become infected, cause tooth decay or cysts, and cause pain if left untreated. 

Wisdom teeth removal is a common procedure. During the procedure, you may be administered anesthesia, before your surgeon removes the impacted teeth, cleans the site, and adds stitches to promote healing if necessary. 

The Recovery Process

The wisdom teeth removal process can often be completed in an hour with your oral surgeon or dentist. Your doctor may provide painkillers and instructions for post-surgery care as the wounds heal.

Your wisdom teeth removal procedure could leave your jaw swollen, leading to discomfort for several days. Wounds typically heal in 10 days to 2 weeks

During that time, it helps to monitor your diet and what you eat.

A woman holding a warm compress to her cheek to help the pain from wisdom teeth removal

Eating After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Everyone loves a good meal, but wisdom teeth removal may require a special approach to your diet. During the recovery process, it’s helpful to populate your diet with soft foods and soup to promote healing.

Some examples of soft foods and liquids you can incorporate into your diet include: 

  • Yogurt
  • Smoothies (without seeds)
  • Apple sauce
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Jell-O
  • Pudding

These foods require minimal chewing and may be easier on your teeth and jaw. Colder soft foods may also alleviate some soreness and discomfort while you recover. As the healing process progresses, you can slowly begin incorporating more solid foods.

Along with these foods you can add to your diet, there are some foods and liquids that you should avoid following wisdom teeth removal, like: 

  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Acidic & spicy foods
  • Grains
  • Hard or difficult-to-chew foods like nuts or chips

It’s also important to avoid brushing your healing wounds during your oral hygiene routine. You should also avoid cigarettes, vaping, and mouthwash to avoid the risk of infection. Saltwater is a good alternative if you want to rinse your mouth.

Putting Wisdom Teeth Removal Behind You

Some people may want to delay wisdom teeth removal, but it’s a good idea to get it out of the way as soon as your dentist recommends it. Your comfort is key, and the wisdom teeth recovery process spans around 2 weeks. What you eat can help promote healing, and it’s important to incorporate soft food and liquids to alleviate discomfort.

Book an appointment with the team at Skypointe Dental to have a complete exam and see if it’s time to schedule your wisdom teeth removal. 

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(403) 475-1222

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